

E-beam Advantages

E-beam irradiation is a proven and accepted form of terminal sterilization. The mechanism for sterilization is the effect of high-energy electrons (Beta particles (β)) striking and breaking up the RNA/DNA of the bioburden.

The relationship between the flexibility of E-beam/X-ray and the sterilization requirements for sensitive materials/complex devices is rapidly evolving to become a key advantage to manufacturers of combination products, drugs/biologics, bioabsorbables, implantables, and other complex products.

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These advantages include:

  • Processing conditions for E-beam are easily specialized and allow for greater control
  • E-beam offers more flexibility in the processing of sensitive materials and drugs/biologics
  • Environmentally friendly. No hazardous or radioactive materials
  • Fast turnaround / high throughput time
  • High reliability – high level of consistency in achieving sterilization
  • E-beam delivers dose rapidly, which protects a product’s function
  • Low material degradation when compared to gamma
  • Compatible with most types of materials (especially plastics and its packaging)
  • Penetrates all types of product packaging including foils
  • Allows control of temperature during irradiation
  • Ease of validation
  • On/Off technology
  • Poses no security risks